Ram Shackle – Live Music

Ram Shackle have regaled numerous audiences, without fear or favour, since their inception, with an eclectic mix of music, from Robert Johnson, to Pink Floyd. So don’t expect the same ol’ same ol’, but do expect music played with passion and primarily, music designed for a great night out. Watch them at Pirate Bar live music event.

The origin of the strap line “Blues and Beyond” came about from Ram Shackle not wanting to be labelled as “just another blues band” but a band which is not afraid to add their style to a broad selection of musical genres. The aforementioned strap line has unfortunately caused some confusion as to their actual nomenclature, thus achieving the unintended aim of having people mentioning their name (and strap line) far more frequently than originally intended or indeed, imagined. Ram Shackle (two words) are all that’s required… plain and simple.



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